July 28, 2011

Haircut results

Yesterday I went to get my hair cut. I was VERY nervous. I knew they would do a really good job, but I wasn't sure if I was making the right decision for me. I looked into doing Locks of Love, but unfortunately I didn't have enough hair. You have to send in a minimum of 10 inches, and if I cut 10 inches off it would have been above my shoulders. I just wasn't very comfortable with that. Luckily, the stylist that was available was the one who cut my hair last time. When I was there last, I told her I was thinking about going short before school started. Well, I decided to do it sooner rather than later. On vacation, my hair was a huge hassle. It was too hot and took so much time to get ready so that helped me make the decision so fast. 

The stylist was so great. She cut probably about 8 inches off and added a few shorter layers to the ones I already had. I was a little unsure of it yesterday since I straightened my hair in the morning. It was very stringy. After washing it and styling it myself this morning, I LOVE it. It is really different for me. It looks and feels healthier, and it looks even darker to what my natural color is because the longer layers were a lot lighter from the sun. I realize this might not even be that big of a change to other people, even my dad didn't notice haha, but it was a big change for me that I'm happy I made! 

Here is the result!

I was taking pictures with Bubba because I don't like taking pictures of just myself, but he decided he was tired and was done with picture taking as you can see.... 

So to get a good picture of my hair, I decided to suck it up and take one by myself....

I'm not sure why it looks so light in the picture, probably from the lamp so below is the actual color it looks now. 

Overall, I'm very happy with it! Now hopefully I can just keep up with the styling when schools starts which is in 25 DAYS. WOW summer went really fast. Only a few more weeks until I'm back in the classroom living at school!

pssst... If you haven't joined pinterest yet, get on it! It is so great :)

July 26, 2011


I have a new found obsession. A few hours ago I discovered Pinterest from this blogger. I love being creative, and this website has brought back so many ideas that I have. Instead of trying to remember things I want to do, or cut them out of a magazine to save, I can do it all electronically! Pinterest basically lets you "pin" things on your "boards" from ANY website. These could be anything from fashion, home decorating, DIY, photography, travel, cooking etc. Seriously haven't left the website in 3 hours.... it's bad. I highly recommend you join, and follow me :) You can follow me  here and join here I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

July 25, 2011

Snip Snip

Who's cutting her hair this week? ME

If you know me, I've been growing out/maintaining my long hair since 8th grade. That's 9 years of long hair. Yes I do love my long hair, but I think it's time for a change. How short am I going? Pretty short for me. I'm thinking either just touching my shoulders, or right below my shoulders. Now I know some people might consider that "medium length" but for someone who has had hair to the middle of her back for the last 9 years, shoulder length hair is short. Knowing me I will probably hate it. I'm trying to be positive about this because I know I need the change, but I'm going to miss my hair. I really do want to give it a try and change it up a bit.

(Most recent picture of my long hair with B on the last day of vacation in HHI)   

See you later long hair.... until I decide to grow you out again.


July 24, 2011

Hello Blogging World

I've decided to enter the blogging world. Woo Hoo! I've been following some blogs for a while now, and I was inspired by many of the people and their families. I often have a hard time remembering things unlike my brother who can remember exact details from days way in the past and unlike my boyfriend who can remember crazy dates especially years songs came out. Because of my lack of memory, I have made it a goal to post something everyday (we'll see how this goes). I want to remember the small things in life and keep those memories forever. Through my obsessive picture taking (which everyone gets annoyed with) and blogging, I hope to achieve this goal. This is a great ambition since I'm currently done with grad school classes for the summer, and still have a few weeks until schools starts back up again in August. Translation=I have nothing I HAVE to do right now. We'll see how this goes once grad school, and school starts back up again. I'm excited about this new piece of my life, and welcome to my part in this whole crazy world.