October 20, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

This post works well with my activities this weekend. Friday night high school football games, corn mazes, pumpkin carving, & hot apple cider. Welcome fall!

Link on up for Fill in the blank Friday

1.   Nothing says fall like      pumpkin carving, hot apple cider, and corn mazes .

2.   My favorite autumnal tradition is   going to a pumpkin festival called Minges Farms. We have been going every year since I was about 2. It is a craft show and fall festival combined. I look forward to it every year!

3.  My favorite fall treat is   pumpkin ice cream from Graeters Ice Cream

4. Fall makes me think of   football  because that is always what is on every Saturday. ALL DAY. I have learned to love it :)

5.  Autumn free form word association, go!    pumpkin, crisp, yellow, orange, leaves, fire, smores, sweaters, and candy.

6.  My go-to outfit in the fall is   skinny jeans, sweater, scarf & boots.

7.  My favorite fall holiday is (Halloween or Thanksgiving)   Thanksgiving. I love getting together with family and having a good meal together. I do really like Halloween, but I like the warm feeling I get around Thanksgiving. Also Black Friday soon follows that :)

Happy Friday :)

October 19, 2011

Oh Happy Wednesday

Wednesday Happenings That Make Me Happy....

1. Waking up the FIRST time my alarm went off (instead of pushing snooze 5 times)

2. The rainy day that washed my car (so I didn't have to spend $5 for a wash)

3. My favorite homemade meal. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, & green beans

4. Home made apple pie (thanks dad) 

5. No class tonight

6. Oh & this little guy came today :)

I know this picture is blurry, but all the other pics were taken with my new iPhone. It really is amazing :)

Happy Wednesday!

October 13, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

The Little Things We Do
Happy Friday! Fill in the blank & link up with The Little Things We Do Blog!

1.   The most selfless thing I've ever done was become a teacher. I don't teach for my money or recognition, I teach for the kids who need a role model, for the kids who have no confidence, and for the kids to love learning. It is so rewarding When a student gets a 100% on a quiz after struggling with a concept for 3 long weeks, it makes the job SO worth it even when it might be frustrating at times

2.   When it comes to working out  I go through cycles where I am really into it, and others where I just can't seem to bring myself to constantly keep up with it. 

3.  A woman should always take care of yourself and love yourself. 

4. I wish I could win the lottery and then I'd donate it to church, pay off my loans, give some to my family, donate to charities, and invest the rest for future kids college funds. 

5.  A best friend is hard to come by. Someone who understands you & is always there.  They are irreplaceable. 

6.  I can't get enough of   apple products right now. Upgraded to Lion & iPhone 4s arriving soon!

7.  This weekend I am  attending multiple craft shows & a pumpkin festival! Then topping of the fall weekend with a bonfire with friends!

Have a great weekend!

October 11, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Why I Can't Wait For My iPhone 4S

The "top 10" reasons why I cannot wait for my iphone to arrive

1. It's my first iphone... previously an android user

2. My phone keeps freezing & dropping calls

3. So I can use my super cute case that I already ordered

4. So I can play words with friends without my phone always freezing up

5. So I can sync my music and my calendar from my macbook.

6. So I can use some cool education apps in the classroom that I found

7. So I can take pictures & shoot video with my phone without dragging my camera everywhere

8. Siri is just awesome & will make my whole car sync system much better.

9. ICloud from my phone & computer will allow me to save anything easily

10. So my phone battery can actually last!

Yeah, I'm pretty excited. Too bad I decided I wasn't going to order one until this past Sunday. Now I won't get my phone until the 21st. :( Bummer.... Worth the wait though!

October 9, 2011

Lovely Things This Sunday

Great message at church this morning

Sunday breakfast at Bob Evan's with Bradley

Beautiful fall day

No grading or planning

Family Time 

Pre-ordered my first iphone
(Now i'm in search for the perfect case! Any ideas???)

Have a great Sunday :)

October 7, 2011

My Doggies :)

I love my dogs!

Meet my pets...


I have a 13 year old black lab/golden retrevier mix. His name is Moose. We got him when I was ten. I had a friend at school whose dog had puppies. She told us about it one day and said they were free! We had just given our other dog back to my uncle because he was more of a hunting dog so I of course was on top of this. I went home & told my mom, and she gave me some line about how we don't need one or something. Little did me and my brother know that she called my friend's mom and inquired about them. Around Easter, my mom loaded us in the car to run some errands.

We start pulling in this neighborhood and my mom said we had to go pick up something from this guy my dad used to work with. We go pulling in this driveway, and I was so humiliated because It was my friends house from school and I said, "MOM his dad does not work with dad!" She kept saying yes he does! Just get out of the car. I refused. My mom let me stay in the car while she walked up to the door. She must have told my friend's mom what I said & she came out and asked if we wanted to see the puppies while my mom was picking something up. Well, I said yes. We were outside playing with them, and then out of nowhere my mom said "Ok which one do you want?" I was SHOCKED and so happy at the same time. My parents agreed that they wanted a male dog, so that was our only restriction. We could have chosen from dogs looking like a golden retriever or a black lab. I chose Moose & he looks just like a black lab. Here is a picture of Moose. He is the bigger one :) (This is the only one I have on my phone)


Then just two years ago, my brother's girlfriend's sister's dog (follow that?) had puppies! This dog was trained to be a care dog, but failed the test. The dog had black lab/german shephard puppies. My dad had been wanting another dog for a while, but my mom kept saying no. One day, my brother just brought a puppy to the house for us to see. He brought us Bubba. He was the runt of the litter. That's why my brother liked him so much. He could literally fit in the palm of one hand & was a little fur ball! My mom fell in love instantly & we kept him :)

Bubba is now two and a half and is the life of the party! He has such a funny personality. He loves his tennis ball and frisbee. He loves water. You turn the hose on outside & he goes crazy! He also loves to go on rides and loves cheese! He has brought so much happiness to our lives. I couldn't imagine my house without him. He is such a great dog. Moose is older and has a lot of fatty tumors. He struggles to get up and down, but will still initiate play with Bubba. Moose is such a loyal dog. He has been a great watch dog and protector.

I love my dogs so much. I don't know what I would do without them! Moose doesn't have much longer with us, but I know when the time comes he won't be in pain anymore.

Want to show off your pets? "Show us your Life" Over at Kelly's Korner

Fill in the Blank Friday!

1.   Something popular that I can't stand/just don't "get" is twitter. I have one & like it, but it's not the greatest thing in the world!   
2.   Something unpopular that I secretly love is   playing the piano. I need to practice more. I've lost all those years of lessons from not practicing anymore! But I still love it.
3.  When I've had a bad day I Eat fast food & take a nap. I know it's horrible.

4. I'd prefer  ice tea    to  pop  any day.

5.  Something that makes me nervous is the future. More specifically, the security of my job with SB5 & the economy.

6.  Something worth fighting for is  good education.

7.  When people think of me, I hope they think I love my job & am passionate about what I do.

Want to join in on fill in the blank Friday? Check it out Here at The Little Things We Do Blog.

Happy Friday All :)

October 4, 2011

Top Ten Books

I'm linking up with Oh Amanda today to give you a list of my top 10 favorite books. There are so many to choose from, but I narrowed them down to just 10!

Warning... Yes I like young adult books :)

1. Harry Potter Series (J.K. Rowling)

2. The 5 People you Meet In Heaven (Mitch Albom)

3. The Hunger Games Series (Suzanne Collins)

4. The Twilight Saga (Stephenie Meyer)

5. Charlotte's Web (E.B. White)

6. The Giver (Lois Lowry)

7. Running Out of Time (Margaret Haddix)

8.  And Then There Were None (Agatha Christie)

9. Oh The Places You'll Go (Dr. Seuss)

10. Tuesday's With Moorie (Mitch Albom)

Link up your top ten list for Top Ten Tuesday here

Life Lately

Still sick....

Welcome vertigo. Yay! Seriously was sick almost all of last year. This cold/sinus infection is going on 4 weeks now. One of my students asked me first thing yesterday if this is the fourth week of the cold or if it's gone yet. Nope.. still here. Meijer 12 hour sinus has been wonderful though. I was dizzy all last night & was nauseous. I went straight to bed but still woke up dizzy. This went on all day long & ended with me almost falling over while adding polynomials in the front of the room on the white board. Clearly I'm so happy about this (not). Joy.

On a brighter side....

I went to another OSU game this weekend. Downside was it was probably the worst they have played ever & it was freezing! They didn't score until the last minute after 75% of the stadium had cleared out. When you have an OSU obsessed boyfriend who's family graduated from there & he has his bachelor's degree & master's degree there, you stay for the whole game no matter what. Still fun though.

With Bradley :)

I love script Ohio!

My friend Kim went to the game with us. Her first college game ever!!!

On Sunday my mom and I went to a local craft show at a high school. Mostly just the same old stuff from year to year, but I did purchase this really cool purse.

It might not look like much, but it's actually made out of recycled coffee bean burlap sacks. This organization makes purses out of them, and 100% of the profits goes to humanitarian relief for children locally & abroad who are orphans, hungry, and hopeless. The organization is called I Know Hope. These bags come in many different sizes & are really cute! This size is perfect for me. There is just enough space to fit my wallet & a few other necessities. Another upside is that it is an across the shoulder/body purse which I am in love with right now. Nothing beats free hands when trying to shop!
Curious about the organization or want one of your own? Check out their website at www.iknowhope.org

Have a great week :)