October 13, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

The Little Things We Do
Happy Friday! Fill in the blank & link up with The Little Things We Do Blog!

1.   The most selfless thing I've ever done was become a teacher. I don't teach for my money or recognition, I teach for the kids who need a role model, for the kids who have no confidence, and for the kids to love learning. It is so rewarding When a student gets a 100% on a quiz after struggling with a concept for 3 long weeks, it makes the job SO worth it even when it might be frustrating at times

2.   When it comes to working out  I go through cycles where I am really into it, and others where I just can't seem to bring myself to constantly keep up with it. 

3.  A woman should always take care of yourself and love yourself. 

4. I wish I could win the lottery and then I'd donate it to church, pay off my loans, give some to my family, donate to charities, and invest the rest for future kids college funds. 

5.  A best friend is hard to come by. Someone who understands you & is always there.  They are irreplaceable. 

6.  I can't get enough of   apple products right now. Upgraded to Lion & iPhone 4s arriving soon!

7.  This weekend I am  attending multiple craft shows & a pumpkin festival! Then topping of the fall weekend with a bonfire with friends!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Being a teacher is totally selfless...especially because they don't make nearly enough as they should.

    Stopping by from Lauren's blog. Have fun at the craft shows & pumpkin festival!

  2. Yep- I'm a teacher too, been thinking about the selfless side of that lately too, but then I think about the amount I get back out of it- so rewarding! Except the pay of course! ;)

  3. Oooh, your weekend sounds like a lot of fun! And I had to laugh at myself, I'm so not up on tech products - when you said you were into apples I thought you meant the crunchy ones :)

  4. I love all things pumpkin so a pumpkin festival sounds like so much fun!

  5. Ditto to all things Apple! I'm drooling over all of the new stuff!! Love your blog!

  6. it's awesome that you're a teacher. It looks like you love your job and I'm amazed by people like you. My son is in school and it takes patience a lot of it to take care of a group of kids. Thank you for being a teacher :)

  7. I just started following you & I am excited to see your life & how it evolves :) I thing the reasoning behind teaching is super sweet & it is a great reason to be a teacher :)have a great weekend
