October 20, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

This post works well with my activities this weekend. Friday night high school football games, corn mazes, pumpkin carving, & hot apple cider. Welcome fall!

Link on up for Fill in the blank Friday

1.   Nothing says fall like      pumpkin carving, hot apple cider, and corn mazes .

2.   My favorite autumnal tradition is   going to a pumpkin festival called Minges Farms. We have been going every year since I was about 2. It is a craft show and fall festival combined. I look forward to it every year!

3.  My favorite fall treat is   pumpkin ice cream from Graeters Ice Cream

4. Fall makes me think of   football  because that is always what is on every Saturday. ALL DAY. I have learned to love it :)

5.  Autumn free form word association, go!    pumpkin, crisp, yellow, orange, leaves, fire, smores, sweaters, and candy.

6.  My go-to outfit in the fall is   skinny jeans, sweater, scarf & boots.

7.  My favorite fall holiday is (Halloween or Thanksgiving)   Thanksgiving. I love getting together with family and having a good meal together. I do really like Halloween, but I like the warm feeling I get around Thanksgiving. Also Black Friday soon follows that :)

Happy Friday :)


  1. i said practically the same thing for #6!

    pumpkin ice cream-yum!

    great blog!

    happy friday!

  2. I agree football is for sure a must come Fall time :) I watch it every weekend until they no longer play anymore then I get all sad when I cannot see it for the rest of the year :( Have a great weekend!

  3. Corn mazes! I went to one for the first time last year and they're so much fun!

  4. Pumpkin ice cream?! Yum! And I think we had the exact same response for the go-to outfit haha.

    Happy Friday :)

    -Holly @ Eight Six Eleven

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE football season! :)

  6. i usually have had to work every black friday but for some reason i always enjoy it..it just means christmas is right around the corner.
    stopping by from kelly's korner

  7. Stopping by from Kellys Korner and loving your blog! I'm also a math teacher - what subjects do you teach?

    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  8. Over from Kelly's Korner! :) Love your blog!
    Newest follower!
